WASHINGTON (NEXSTAR) – Friday President Biden will mark the third anniversary of the attack on the U.S. Capitol with a speech near Valley Forge, Pennsylvania.

The historic landmark was a turning point in the Revolutionary War.

“Where Americans came together to fight for our democracy hundreds of years ago,” said Kevin Munoz, a representative of the Biden campaign.

The President plans to talk about what he calls threats to democracy.  Munoz says we can expect Biden to go after what the campaign calls extreme Republican policies. The Biden team says democracy’s future is on the ballot in November.

“We want to make sure every American has the freedoms that we’ve fought for,” he said.

Conservatives say President Biden and Democrats are the real threat to democracy.

“I think when he’s talking about a threat to democracy, he must be looking in the mirror because if there’s any threat to democracy, it’s the actions of his administration and his supporters, ” said Hans von Spakovsky of the Heritage Foundation.

Von Spakovsky  points to efforts by some democratic leaders to push former President Trump off the ballot in several states. “That is a real current threat to democracy,” he said.

Trump and the RNC are appealing the decisions to remove Trump in Colorado and Maine, but the issue won’t be settled until the Supreme Court weighs in.