GHENT, WV (WVNS) — It is the perfect time to get your car prepped for winter. Stuart Gimblin, an Automotive Technology Instructor at New River Community and Technical College, said winter can be a very harsh time to be driving your car.

“Cold weather just absolutely breaks everything on a car,” Gimblin said.

Gimblin said it is important to make sure windshield wipers are properly working, that way they can wipe away any snow or water that could cause blind spots. He also reminded drivers to check their washer fluid and make sure it is fully stocked for the winter.

“You need to add to your washer fluid, windshield washer fluid. Make sure you get the kind that’s good for below freezing because they do make two different types, one for above and one for below,” Gimblin said.

Another tip is to keep a windshield scraper with a brush attached in your car to help out your wipers.

Gimblin said the big thing to check before the cold winter season is the tires. Good tires can prevent people from sliding and potentially getting into an accident.

“If you live around town mainly, you don’t need as aggressive a tread, but if you live way out in the boondocks, you won’t get your roads plowed on time, so it’s better to have some really good tires and some aggressive tread so you can get through the mud and snow and what not,” Gimblin said.

Above all, Gimblin said to take your time when going anywhere during winter weather.

“I see way too many people driving way too fast in the bad weather and you can’t get around that,” Gimblin explained..