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DEAR DEIDRE: I’M concerned about my wife who spends money we don’t have.

She works part time but never contributes towards the bills.

She has a car loan and I end up paying her credit card bills now as she is behind on them.

I’m 37 and my wife’s 35. We’ve been married for 11 years and have two daughters aged eight and six.

As I’m the main earner my wife says I should pay the bills.

She spends all her money on her nails, hair and sometimes Botox too.

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She says she wants to have veneers on her teeth and mentioned a holiday to Thailand, neither of which we can afford.

Some months we run out of money days before pay day and yet I’m meant to provide everything for my family.

I feel as though my wife is in denial. She is living beyond her means and it is really stressing me out.


DEIDRE SAYS: You are working hard and doing everything for your family.

Please talk to your wife about how worried you are. Let her know you feel under pressure and need her help.

Ask her to sit down with you and sort out your finances in a way which is fair to you both.

It might be best if you put your salaries into one account and pay all your bills and essentials out of that shared pot.

Any funds left over could be split equally. My Family Finances support pack should help with this.
